Loading multiple endpoint

Now that your fist endpoint work as expected, you will need to add an address field on the user model. But as some users can have the same address, and because you want to retreive some user using an address, you will need to create an new endpoint:

Define a new model

class AddressModel(models.Model):

    fields = [models.StringField(name="country", required=True),
              models.StringField(name="city", required=True),
              models.StringField(name="street", required=True),
              models.IntegerField(name="number", required=True),
              models.PkField(name="id", required=True)

Inherite from previous apps

The only thing that change here in comparisson to the UserEndPoint you created earlier is the ressource dict. So instead of copy pasting a lot of lines, let’s heritate from your first app:

class AddressEndPoint(UserEndPoint):
    ressource = {
        "ressource_name": "address",
        "ressource": {"name": "adress_book.db", "table": "address"},
        "model": AddressModel,
        "datastore": SQLiteDataStore

All the options already defined in the UserEndPoint will be available with this new one. Pagination, formater and so on.

Of course, if you change the controller or the view of UserEndPoint, AddressEndPoint will change too. If it become a problem, you’ll have to create a base class with common options and configurations and each of your endpoints will inherit from this base class. Each endpoint will be able to change some specifics settings.

The last thing to do to enable your new endpoint is to add it to the WSGIDispatcher

Add the app to the dispatcher

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from werkzeug.serving import run_simple
    from rest_api_framework.controllers import WSGIDispatcher
    app = WSGIDispatcher([AddressEndPoint, UserEndPoint])
    run_simple('', 5000, app, use_debugger=True, use_reloader=True)


For now the order you register AddressEndPoint and UserEndPoint doesn’t make a difference. But we will add a reference from the user table to the address table. At this point, you will need to reference AddressEndPoint before UserEndPoint.

Check that everything work

curl -i "http://localhost:5000/address/"
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 124
Server: Werkzeug/0.8.3 Python/2.7.2
Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 15:45:34 GMT

"meta": {
    "count": 20,
    "filters": {},
    "next": "null",
    "offset": 0,
    "previous": "null",
    "total_count": 0
"object_list": []

next: Linking ressource together