
Controller manage the dialogue between the request and the datastore. Controller handle all the request related stuff:

  • Pagination
  • Authentication
  • Authorization
  • Rate-Limit
  • Authorized verbs

Mandatory Arguments

When creating a controller, some arguments are mandatory. It define how your controller should handle requests.

  • list_verbs: list_verbs will tell your controller wich verbs are allowed at the root of your ressource. [“GET”, “POST”] for a read and write API, and only [“GET”] for a read-only API
  • unique_verbs: unique verbs tell your controller wich verbs are allowed at the unique identifier endpoint of your ressource (/ressource_name/<unique_id>). [“GET”, “PUT”, “DELETE”] fa read and write API, [“GET”] for a read-only API.

Optionals parameters

Optionals parameters make your api able to manage special features like Pagination, Authentication, Authorization and Rate-Limit. They each depend on your own implementation.


controller = {
    "list_verbs": ["GET", "POST"],
    "unique_verbs": ["GET", "PUT", "DELETE"],
    "options": {"pagination": Pagination(20)}

This will create:

  • a read and write API (GET and POST on the root URL, GET, PUT and DELETE on the detail URL)
  • with a pagination of 20 results max because of the optional pagination parameter. Results will be paginated using the offset and count keyword (see Paginate a ressource) to get more on this topic.