Source code for rest_api_framework.authentication

Handle the authentication process
from werkzeug.exceptions import Unauthorized, NotFound

[docs]class Authorization(object): """ Check if an authenticated request can perform the given action. """ def __init__(self, authentication): self.authentication = authentication
[docs] def check_auth(self, request): """ Return None if the request user is authorized to perform this action, raise Unauthorized otherwise :param request: :type request: :class:`werkzeug.wrappers.Request` """ if self.authentication.get_user(request): return else: raise Unauthorized
[docs]class Authentication(object): """ Manage the authentication of a request. Must implement the get_user method """
[docs] def get_user(self, identifier): """ Must return a user if authentication is successfull, None otherwise """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class ApiKeyAuthentication(Authentication): """ Authentication based on an apikey stored in a datastore. """ def __init__(self, datastore, identifier="apikey"): self.identifier = identifier self.datastore = datastore
[docs] def get_user(self, request): """ return a user or None based on the identifier found in the request query parameters. """ data = request.values.to_dict() if self.identifier in data: try: user = self.datastore.get(data[self.identifier]) return user except NotFound: return None return None
[docs]class BasicAuthentication(Authentication): """ Implement the Basic Auth authentication """ def __init__(self, datastore): self.datastore = datastore
[docs] def get_user(self, request): """ return a user or None based on the Authorization: Basic header found in the request. login and password are Base64 encoded string : "login:password" """ from base64 import b64decode auth = request.headers.get('Authorization: Basic', None) if auth: login, password = b64decode(auth).split(':') user = self.datastore.get_list(username=login, password=password) if user: return user[0]
class ApiKeyAuthorization(Authorization): """ This authentication backend use an api key to authenticate and authorize users """ pass